Get attached devices


Get list of devices currently attached to a Basestation for a given domain. The returned list is paginated meaning it may not contain all attached devices for the domain. If additional devices exist, the HTTP link header will contain a next link for getting the next page of devices. If devices exists previous to the returned list, the HTTP link header will contain a prev link for getting the previous page of devices.


GET /v1/domains/:domain/attached-devices


Successful response contains the following JSON formated body:

  devices: {
    domain: string,
    deviceId: string,
    attachTime: string

Response Status codes:

  • 200 on success

Request headers

This request must have the following headers:

  • Authorization: bearer <ApiKey>
  • X-Nabto-Organization: <organizationId>

Request Query Parameters

This request supports the following query parameters:

  • limit The pagination page size (max: 10000, default: 500)



curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ApiKey>" \
  -H "X-Nabto-Organization: <OrganizationId>"


   devices: [{
     domain: "",
    deviceId: "",
    attachTime: "<attachTime>" 