CoAP POST /iam/pairing/local-open


This endpoint pairs the current user with the target device that hosts the endpoint.

Using this endpoint requires the connection to be local but is otherwise open. Hence, this endpoint is used for Local open pairing.


POST /iam/pairing/local-open


The client specifies the desired username to use on the target device. The username must be unique on the target device, and can only use the character set:

  • Lower case letters [a-z].
  • Numbers [0-9].
  • The underscore character _.
  • The dash character -.
  • The period character ..

The fingerprint set on the resulting user can optionally be named with the body field FingerprintName.

The request is CBOR encoded.

  "Username": "john_doe",
  "FingerprintName": "my phone"

By naming the fingerprint using FingerprintName, you ensure easy identification of user fingerprints, especially if multiple devices are paired later (e.g. “my tablet” or “my laptop”).


CoAP status codes:

  • 201: Pairing completed successfully.
  • 201: Already paired.
  • 400: Bad request (likely invalid username).
  • 403: Blocked by IAM configuration.
  • 404: Pairing mode disabled.
  • 409: Username exists.


A user must have access to the following IAM Action to use this endpoint:

  • IAM:PairingLocalOpen

No special attributes are provided.